The Mystery of Missing Flight 370

Flight 370 took off from Kuala Lumpur on March 8, 2014, at 12:43 a.m. local time. It was expected to land in Beijing at 6:05 a.m., but the plane disappeared while in flight. On March 24, after what had been described as the largest air and sea search in history, Malaysian authorities announced that they […]

Where America’s Energy Goes

Although we might consider electricity a primary source of energy in our lives, since we use it for a variety of household items, electricity is actually a secondary source. Electricity is generated from primary energy sources like coal, natural gas, petroleum, and renewable energy sources like wood, bio fuels, wind, and hydro power. Credit:

Most Productive People in History

You know those people who get so much done it seems like they have 30 hours in every day while the rest of us mere mortals have a measly 24? You know, the ones who seem to get more accomplished before breakfast than you do all day? (credit)

Most Dangerous Jobs In The World Statistics

Once every year Santa Claus risks limb and life, facing serious occupational hazards to deliver presents to our children. This Christmas, spare a thought for Saint Nick who’ll endure RSI and fatigue (among other hazards).

America’s Doomsday Plan Discovery Strategy

America’s Doomsday Plan Discovery Strategy The American Blackout Survey. When it comes to gauging Americans’ mind-set related to broader, large-scale catastrophes that could cripple the country – specifically such emergencies as blackouts and cyberattacks – the results are about as encouraging as waiting for the next Congressional Standoff!

Evolution of An Entrepreneur [InfoGraphic]

To see how the field of entrepreneurship has changed throughout history – as well as what the startup culture might look like for future generations of enterprising business owners – check out the following infographic on “The Evolution of the Entrepreneur:”