28+ Secrets to Creating an Awesome Viral Infographic [Infographic]


Infographics are powerful tools for conveying information in a visually appealing and easily digestible format. They can also enhance your content marketing strategy, making your data more engaging and also shareable. Here are over 27 secrets to creating an awesome viral infographic:

Be Original:

Your infographic should stand out. Avoid copying others; instead, bring a fresh perspective to your topic. Originality helps capture attention and also increases the chances of your infographic going viral.

Visuals Over Text:

Infographics are visual by nature. Incorporate images, icons, and also graphics that communicate your message more effectively than blocks of text.

Size Matters:

Make your infographic big enough to be detailed, but not so large that it becomes unwieldy. The ideal size allows viewers to easily read and also interact with your content.

Catchy Headlines:

The headline should grab attention immediately. It needs to be compelling and also informative, hinting at the value the viewer will gain.

Narrative Flow:

Tell a story through your infographic. Organize your content logically to guide viewers from one point to the next seamlessly.

Cognitive Flow:

Maintain a clear visual and cognitive flow. Use arrows, lines, and also numbering to direct the reader’s eyes smoothly across the infographic.

Outreach Plan:

Plan how you’ll share your infographic. Identify key influencers and also platforms that can help amplify your reach.

Tools and Resources:

Utilize available tools like Canva, Piktochart, or Adobe Spark to create your infographic. These tools offer templates and design elements that simplify the creation process.


Ensure all your facts and figures are accurate. Double-check your sources to maintain credibility.


Create a wireframe of your infographic before diving into design. This helps structure your ideas and ensures a logical flow.

Know Your Audience:

Understand who you’re creating the infographic for. Tailor your content and design to meet their interests and needs.


Keep your infographic free of errors. Proofread your content and verify the accuracy of your data.

Think Creatively:

Don’t be afraid to think outside the box. Innovative design elements and unique perspectives can make your infographic stand out.

Focus on Key Points:

Highlight the most important information. Use bold fonts, colors, or sizes to draw attention to key points.


Include your company’s logo and maintain consistent branding throughout the infographic.

Consistent Style:

Stick to one design style throughout the infographic. Consistency in color, fonts, and graphics helps maintain a professional look.

Complementary Design:

Ensure your design complements the tone of your content. The visual style should match the message you’re trying to convey.

Readable Fonts:

Choose fonts that are easy to read. Avoid overly decorative fonts that can also detract from readability.


Divide your infographic into sections or parts. This helps break down information into manageable chunks and also makes it easier to follow.

Source Section:

Include a section for sources. This adds credibility and allows viewers to verify the information.

Popular Topics:

Target relevant and popular topics. This increases the likelihood of your infographic being shared.

Social Media:

Promote your infographic on social media. Platforms like Pinterest, Instagram, and also Twitter are ideal for sharing visual content.


Optimize your infographic for search engines. Use relevant keywords in the title, description, and also alt text.

Strong Emotions:

Generate strong emotions through your infographic. Emotional content is more likely to be shared and also remembered.

Graphs and Charts:

Show data in the form of graphs and also charts. These visual elements make complex data easier to understand.


Make the infographic interactive if possible. Interactive elements can engage viewers and also provide a more dynamic experience.


Provide a call-to-action button. Encourage viewers to share the infographic, visit your website, or engage with your content in some way.

Social Media Copy:

Release a social media copy along with a press release. This can help increase visibility and reach.


Submit your infographic to infographic-specific directories. These platforms can also help increase exposure and drive traffic to your content.

By following these secrets Awesome Viral Infographic, you can create compelling, informative, and visually appealing infographics that are more likely to go viral and also engage your audience effectively.

Designed by: capsicummediaworks.com

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