Five Amazing Homemade Lip Balms for a Signature Pout [Infographic]


Lip balms are essential for maintaining soft and also smooth lips. Creating your own lip balms at home allows you to customize the ingredients to suit your preferences and needs. Here are five amazing homemade lip balms recipes that will give your lips a signature pout.

Coconut Oil and Lavender Lip Balm


1 tbsp coconut oil
1 tbsp beeswax
1 tsp zinc oxide
1 drop lavender oil


Melt the coconut oil and beeswax together. Add zinc oxide and lavender oil to the mixture. Stir well and also pour into a container to set. This lip balm will leave your lips smooth and also nourished.

Shea Butter and Cocoa Butter Lip Balm


    Equal parts shea butter and also cocoa butter
    1 tsp zinc oxide
    1 drop vanilla oil


    Mix equal parts of shea butter and also cocoa butter. Add zinc oxide and also vanilla oil to the mixture. Stir until well combined and pour into a container. This lip balm will give you moisturized, buttery lips.

    Honey and Almond Oil Lip Balm


      1 tbsp almond oil
      1 tsp honey
      1 tsp zinc oxide
      1 drop cocoa oil


      Combine almond oil, honey, and zinc oxide. Add a drop of cocoa oil and mix well. Pour the mixture into a container to set. This lip balm will help you achieve plump and also soft lips.

      Jojoba Oil and Aloe Vera Gel Lip Balm


        1 tbsp beeswax
        2 tbsp jojoba oil
        1 tsp zinc oxide
        2 tbsp aloe vera gel


        Melt the beeswax and jojoba oil together. Add zinc oxide and also aloe vera gel to the mixture. Stir well and also pour into a container to set. This lip balm is perfect for smoothing parched lips.

        Green Tea and Peppermint Lip Balm


          2 tbsp coconut oil
          Green tea leaves
          1 tsp zinc oxide
          1 tbsp melted beeswax
          1 drop peppermint oil


          Infuse coconut oil with green tea leaves by heating gently and also straining the leaves out. Add zinc oxide, melted beeswax, and also peppermint oil to the mixture. Stir well and also pour into a container to set. This lip balm will prevent dry, flaky lips.


          These homemade lip balms are easy to make and also offer natural solutions to keep your lips healthy and also beautiful. Experiment with these recipes to find your perfect signature pout.

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